Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Emma's 1st Big Girl Haircut

So today, I decided that my little girl needed a haircut.  In the past, I have cut her hair - or rather, trimmed it up - trying to get rid of the mullet look.  :)  Her hair was getting a little out of control and I thought it would be a great idea to go and get it cut instead of fighting that battle myself... haha! 

Fortunately, Emma did terrific!  She was a trooper and sat there so well and did what the hairstylist asked.  I was so proud of her. 

I'm so happy we won't have hair morning like this for at least the next week: 

And now have this: 

 Besides the fact that they charged me $2 to blow dry her hair (which took approximately 20 seconds to do), we had a great first experience!  And I think Emma looks so beautiful!

My little girl looks like such a big girl!  Yay, Emma!


The Crockett Family said...

I love it! What a big girl sitting still for her haircut! :)

Nic said...

Awww! She's so BEAUTIFUL! And I'm in love with that haircut! Good job, Momma! - Lova ya <3